
In August of 2021, my mother was suffering from some serious medical issues that started to compound. She was hospital bound and miserable. After speaking with both my parents about what was going on, late at night, I wasn’t in a great mood, so I started composing and within 20-30 minutes I had the guitar and piano melody for You Are Not Alone written. I sent it off to my mum to cheer her up, and like most of the music I write, I didn’t know what to do with it.
I typically write music late at night when I’m in a bad place mentally, and this tune stuck with me. I just didn’t know what to do with it.
One evening in November of the same year, I was having another difficult evening, and wrote what would become Good morning, Goodbye, although at the time I didn’t really have a name for it — or at least no name worth repeating here.
As for a lot of people, 2021 was a pretty dark year, and I usually find December difficult. The combination of winter, the dark days, Christmas, New Years, stress from work, and everything else that was happening in 2021 weighed heavily on me. I wrote several other melodies that formed a loose narrative, so I decided to work on a concept album.
I worked on this album from time to time, but my work outside of music became immense, and honestly as of 2024 I sadly haven’t found much time for music for a variety of personal reasons. As frustrating as this is, this means there’s a bunch of tracks I can’t get to finish, and they’ve just sat there for years.
I feel like I release mostly junk, and the stuff I actually want to release is just… stuck.
This EP is all about getting at least some of it out there. These two tracks are the most complete of the bunch, so I feel comfortable enough to get them out there, despite a number of things I wish I had the time to rerecord and fix. I feel that if I release this EP, at least I’m sure something from all the work gets out there into the world, as opposed to nothing.
I hope this isn’t the death knell for the concept album, but I don’t know when I’ll ever get back to being able to sit down and bash out music. 🐝